Amitié, Pierrette Saint-Germain Pion

Pierrette Saint-Germain Pion
My mother, my angel, my source of inspiration
Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible and you will achieve the impossible without realizing it.
St. Francis of Assisi
She was religious, gentle, persevering and resilient. After a stroke she took up drawing and pastels. She had a lot of difficulty at the beginning. She continued. She became a professional pastel artist, won competitions and sold several works. Then, she had muscular dystrophy which considerably slowed her down in her creations. She, despite everything, continued until the end.
She is now free from her suffering, because she had more pain than a human could bear. She did what was necessary, what was possible, and achieved the impossible.

Novembre à Central Park
Pierrette Saint-Germain Pion
Le temps d'une pause,
Pierrette Saint-Germain Pion